DepartmentThe Department of Engineering Physics at the Air Force Institute of Technology, located on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, is seeking applicants for a tenure track position at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level. The combination of competitively selected students, quality research facilities, and Department of Defense support for our program provide unique opportunities for new faculty to quickly develop successful research programs.
Applicants are sought for the position of tenure-track Professor of Material Physics or Chemical Physics. Interested candidates must have a PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science or in a closely related field. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: •Ionizing radiation effects in electronic and optical materials
•Radiation chemistry
•Positron chemistry or positron physics
•Quantum electro-optics
•Confined-dimension quantum materials
•Solid state chemistry
•Chemical kinetics
•High-temperature materials physics
Interested candidates must have a PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science or closely related field, excellent communication skills, a strong commitment to teaching physics and materials science at the graduate level, and the drive to build a world-class research effort. They must be able to establish sponsored research programs or, as a research team member, expand upon existing programs within the department. Candidates for the rank of Assistant Professor should have strong potential for both teaching and research. Applicants must be United States citizens and currently hold or be able to obtain a secret security clearance.
The Department of Engineering Physics at the Air Force Institute of Technology, located on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, is seeking applicants for a tenure track position at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level. The combination of competitively selected students, quality research facilities, and Department of Defense support for our program provide unique opportunities for new faculty to quickly develop successful research programs.